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  • Erica

    January 30, 2024 at 10:59 am

    Yep that hook is way more clear! But since it’s a 5-day email series, perhaps change it to 5 staples?

    Here are some tweaks on the subject lines to make them a little more conversational and intriguing:

    Welcome email: [Welcome!] 5 Days, 5 Staples to Keep Us Strong and Vibrant as We Age

    Email 1: A Protein Boost for Your Mornings? It’s Easier Than You Think

    Email 2: Whole Grains – Not Just Filling, But Energizing Too

    Email 3: The Everyday Veggies That Boost Strength & Vitality

    Email 4: Fruit That Fights Aging (and Tastes Great Too!)

    Email 5: These Everyday Foods? Your Allies in Maintaining Strength

    Closing email: That’s a Wrap on Our Series! But There’s More Age-Defying Advice Ahead Each Week