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  • Erica

    January 22, 2024 at 10:50 am

    I think this is a good start, but a little too broad.

    Can you come up with a tangible benefit or outcome someone will get from your 5-day sequence of emails? That’s what you want the “hook” to be.

    “Feel better fast” is too vague of an outcome and “FODMAP freedom eating plan” seems like a bit too much information for a freebie. Might be a better fit for a paid product.

    You can specifically ask ChatGPT to come up with a more tangible, outcome-focused lead magnet idea if you’re stuck!

    And yes, the point of having the lead magnet is to grow your email list. I’ll show you how to set up all the tech in next month’s videos. These emails you’re writing will get sent out automatically by ConvertKit whenever someone signs up for your lead magnet through your website or social media 🙂